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Creating a Common Data Service (CDS) Linked Service in Azure Data Factory (ADF)

D365 Freelancer

Updated: Jun 3, 2023


A Linked Service in ADF is like a connection (connection string) to a data store.

This blog post provides step by step instructions for creating a Common Data Service Linked Service in Azure Data Factory (ADF). I will follow up this post with step by step instructions on how to Create a Common Data Service Dataset in ADF.

This is the first step in creating an ADF Pipeline for your Common Data Service (CDS) migration or integration. So let's get started.


To follow these instructions you will need to create an Azure Activate Directory App Registration and will need the Application (Client Id) and Secret for said App registration. I have a previous blog post explaining how to Create an Azure Activate Directory App Registration at

Step by Step Instructions

After opening Azure Data Factory

  1. Click on Manage Icon

  2. Click on Linked Services (under connections)

  3. Click the New button (Screenshot 1: Create new Linked Service in ADF)

  4. Type Common Data Service in the search bar

  5. Select Common Data Service for Apps Linked Service

  6. Press Continue. (Screenshot 2: Select Common Data Service Linked Service)

  7. Set the CDS Linked Service attributes

    1. Name: CommonDataSerive_ContactManagement_SourceAndTarget, I like to include the linked service type, application and the stage of the migration or integration process.

    2. Description: enter a description that describes your linked service and its purpose

    3. Connect via Integration Runtime: AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime, I always use the default and have never had to create a new Integration Runtime.

    4. Deployment Type: Online, obviously use online unless you are one of the few businesses with an on-premises instance of CDS.

    5. Service Uri: the base URL to the Common Data Service instance that is to be connected to.

    6. Authentication Type: AAD Service Principle, always use AAD Service Principle because the office365 Authentication Type does not work at the time of writing this article and might be deprecated based on discussions I have had with Microsoft.

    7. Service Principle Id: The Application (Client) Id from your App Registration.

    8. Service Principle Key: The Client Secret from your App Registration

  8. Click the Test Connection button (Screenshot 3: Common Data Service Linked Service Properties)

  9. If some of the details are wrong then a connection failed message is displayed (Screenshot 4)

  10. If the details are correct then a connection successful message is displayed (Screenshot 5)

  11. Click Create button

Create new Linked Service in ADF
Create new Linked Service in ADF
Select Common Data Service Linked Service
Select Common Data Service Linked Service
Common Data Service Linked Service Properties
Common Data Service Linked Service Properties


That is how a Common Data Service Linked Service can be created in Azure Data Factory. Ensure an App Registration is configured with a client secret before setting up a Common Data Service Linked Service as you will need the Application (Client) Id and Secret.


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