Today, I wanted to send the team an email bullet pointing the modified views with an additional filter.
The quickest and easiest way to list views in a Power Platform solution is to write the below FetchXml.
Here is a working example in FetchXrm Toolbox, after creating a solution named view, with the Active Contacts, All Contacts, Inactive Contacts, All Accounts, Active Accounts and Inactive Accounts views.
Finally, below is an ERD to help visualise the query.
SolutionComponent, an entity that maps PowerPlatform components to a solution.
Solution, the solution that the component is in
SavedQuery, an entity that stores all the system views that are in Power Platform
The link from SolutionComponent to SavedQuery is mapped on the objectid and savedqueryid fields.
Any entity representing a solution component like Entity, SavedQuery or Role can be mapped, implicitly, to solution component by the objectId (on solutioncomponent) to the primary key (on the component entity).