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Truthy and Falsey values in JavaScript

D365 Freelancer


JavaScript has a convention of Truthy and Falsey (sometimes referred to as Falsy).

When JavaScript is dealing with booleans it automatically converts non boolean datatype values to boolean. This is known as type coercion.

Falsey values are datatype values that get converted to false. They are

  1. false (boolean)

  2. 0 (number)

  3. -0 (number)

  4. 0n (BigInt)

  5. -0n (BigInt)

  6. "" (string)

  7. null

  8. undefined

  9. NaN and

  10. document.all

Truthy values are datatype values that get converted to true. They are any value that is not listed above as a falsey value.

There are 8 datatypes in JavaScript, and we will go through truthy and falsey examples of each.

  1. Number

  2. String

  3. Boolean

  4. Null

  5. Undefined

  6. BigInt

  7. Symbol

  8. Object


Any number is true except 0 and -0.

Truthy and Falsey code output for Number datatype JavaScript tests.
Truthy and Falsey code output for Number datatypes.


All strings are true, except empty strings, even "false" in a string is true.

Truthy and Falsey code output for String datatype JavaScript tests.
Truthy and Falsey code output for String datatypes.


Simple to remember this one true is true and false is false.

Truthy and Falsey code output for Boolean datatype JavaScript tests.
Truthy and Falsey code output for Boolean datatypes.


Null is always false.

Truthy and Falsey code output for Null datatype JavaScript tests.
Truthy and Falsey code output for Null datatypes.


Undefined is always false.

Truthy and Falsey code output for Undefined datatypes.
Truthy and Falsey code output for Undefined datatypes.


When passing a string instead of number a NaN datatype is returned. NaN datatypes are always false

Truthy and Falsey code output for NaN datatype JavaScript tests.
Truthy and Falsey code output for NaN datatypes.


All BigInt's are true except -0n and 0n.


Symbols are always true


Objects are always true, even empty objects.


Documnet.All is always false


Arrays are always true.

Comparing Truthy and Falsey values

PLEASE NOTE it is bad practice to not use the strict equality operator, always use ===, the below code is for demonstration purposes only. Stange behavior occurs when using loose equality operator, ==. Many people make the mistake of thinking this is related to truthy and falsey values HOWEVER its due to the complex rules around datatype conversion.

For example

  • 1==true will returns true,

  • 12==true returns false

1==true returns true because the JavaScript conversion rules converts a number of 1 to a boolean of true. It is easy to think this is because 1 is a truthy value.

BUT 12==true returns false because number 12 does not convert to a true boolean value. Therefore, clearly the equality operator does not care about truthy or falsey values.



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